Year Year

2021 Alighting Award , Top 100 Intelligent Lighting Enterprises List announced!

On May 29, the ‘Alighting Award 2021, Top 100 Intelligent Lighting Enterprises List " was officially announced, including the " Top 10 Most Influential Brands " and " Top 10 Famous Brand of Commercial Lighting in segmented fields ", The list covers the "strong players" in the fields of intelligent light source, commercial lighting, intelligent light belt, courtyard lighting, home lighting, security lighting, driving control, etc.

The Innovation Award, as one awards of “Alighting Award 2021”, “Top 100 Intelligent Lighting Enterprises List” was co-hosted by Alighting Award Organizing Committee and Tuya smart. The list is aimed to encourage lighting enterprises to create more intelligent design and be more innovative, let more lighting enterprises set up consciousness of the intelligent science and technology innovation, guide the healthy development in the field of intelligent lighting.  

11 members in the panel have voted and reviewed applications for The top 100 of Alighting Award, Including ChengZhang Chen, Secretary general of Jilin lighting association/Nominating committee of Alight award; Xiaofang Jiang, Chairman of Suzhou lighting association/ Nominating committee of Alight award; Binghua Li, Chief engineer of CCDI Sydney international electrical/ Nominating committee of Alight award; Zhijun Li, Chairman of Shanghai Pudong intelligent lighting association; Yingming Ling, President of Zhejiang lighting association and Nominating committee of Alight award; Liwei Sun, Senior intelligent hardware product expert from Tuya smart; Yong Wang, Secretary general of Anhui lighting association; Qidong Wen, Vice secretary general of China Association of Lighting Appliances; Jin Xi, Vice President and Executive Secretary General of Xi 'an Designers Association; Kai Yao, Deputy Chief Engineer of Zhengzhou Municipal Engineering Survey and Design Institute/Nominating committee of Alight award; Junchao Zhang, chairman of Shanxi Lighting Association/ Nominating committee of Alight award, etc.

Lumbency Lighting emerged from 205 applicants and won the award of “Famous Brand of Commercial Lighting in segmented fields”!


This award demonstrated the important influence of Lumbency Lighting in the field of commercial lighting, as well as the high recognition on intelligent lighting products of Lumbency by industry experts, business friends, engineering partners and users.  Over the years, Lumbency lighting has always dedicated itself to design innovation, continuously launch the world's original products, for the development of office lighting industry, to explore new directions, extend new space!

Intelligent lighting is an important trend of lighting toward the future.Intelligent lighting products will bring a new lighting experience to human beings.The intellectualization of lamps and lanterns can provide more intimate care and help each of us to work and live better.We firmly believe that good light is not only a source of health and comfort, but also a source of inspiration and wisdom.The interaction and communication between lighting products and people requires the continuous upgrading of intelligence and continuous careful research and development.

As a well-known brand in the field of office lighting, Lumbency has accumulated a lot of strength, and has continuously launched numerous intelligent products, which have been applied in many engineering fields and achieved fruitful results!


Published date: 2021-06-02 09:51   


