Year Year

2021 The 47th Office Environment Exhibition (CIFF) opened on March 28th!

 In the past year, because of the non-crown, office space has experienced an unprecedented era of change, "home office", "telecommuting", "healthy office" and other hot words have become.With the epidemic gradually under control, the new normal is born. As the world's leading and the strongest office environment exhibition in Asia, this year's China Home Expo (Guangzhou) once again set foot on the road of exploration, and fully unlocked the new office form of "post-2000".

On March 28, the 47th China Home Expo (Guangzhou) Office Environment Exhibition opened at the Pazhou Canton Fair in Guangzhou.

 Around the design lead, inner and outer loop, the whole chain synergy "new positioning, the exhibition office environment in addition to upgrade new tide pavilion (5.2)), is introduced especially pay attention to original design, as well as design concept will be born for a specific business case of commercial design and brand, gathered, brahman, Dr ZuMingLi, elegant wind, efficient plus to Europe and the United States, China, hk, lili, Bessie resistance and other companies with high quality and original design products show its office environment concept, focus on present new original strength and innovation in the field of office work, in order to design the power of activating space inspiration, creating an carefree dripping wet office ideas Battle big show,Leading the new trend of office.


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The post-2000 generation refers to young people born between 1995 and 2005.Surrounded by the Internet from birth, they are immersed in social media from an early age.The post-2000 generation is growing up in an era of rapid development and change in China and the rest of the world, as well as in an era of booming Internet.They are a happy generation, enjoying the good material conditions that previous generations have worked hard to achieve.They are a generation of great powers whose golden years cover the "two centenary" strategic goals.They are also an independent generation, pushing China into a more global and globalized era in this new era.  

The post-2000 generation is a special group, because they are young and full of passion.They are more freewheeling and unconstrained;When they choose a job, they choose their dream. They value learning and progress more.They tend to self-identity, and seek the social needs of the same kind of interest carnival;They are more likely to understand value and realize it in unconventional ways.All this, just because they are "post-2000".They are more youthful, they are more energetic, they are a colorful group.What kind of office space will they need?

With the theme of "Youth, Vitality, Color @2021", this office theme pavilion explores the new demands of the young generation in office space, and the influence of the changing factors in their growth on the office environment.The building outside the theme pavilion will adopt the style of big BOX, with a number of built-in small boxes with different functions, to stimulate the inspiration and enthusiasm of young audience in the form of diversified BOX, and show the new life of colorful and diverse office.The theme pavilion uses a large number of youth color elements, will be confident, lively, clever, ambitious, personality reflect incisively and vividly!      

As the lighting brand of the 17th consecutive Office Environment Theme Pavilion, Lumbency lighting keeps a low profile and speaks silently.

Published date: 2021-03-29 13:25   


